
Representation Matters: Dr. Andre Isaacs

In this episode, Dr. Zack Drum, a postdoc in my lab, and I interviewed Dr. Andre Isaacs. Andre is originally from Jamaica and moved to the US to attend College of the Holy Cross, where he received his BA in Chemistry. He then went on to pursue his PhD at the University of Pennsylvania and his postdoctoral training at University of California, Berkeley. Currently, he is an Associate Professor at College of the Holy Cross.

What Makes a ‘Good’ Scientist? : Dr. Roshni Patel & Dr. Rachel Ungar

In this episode, I interviewed Dr. Roshni Patel & Dr. Rachel Ungar. As graduate students at Stanford University in the Pritchard and Montgomery labs, respectively, they created a genetics & ethics course and published about it! Check it out here: ⁠Increasing equity in science requires better ethics training: A course by trainees, for trainees Course content can be found here. Transcription Transcribed by Jayati Sharma (she/her) JP Flores (he/him): So if you listen to this I think you’ll know that I start these off with a short autobiographies.